Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Greatest Generation

Back in 1991, when my dad was 83 years old and my mother was about 79, they got their “fifteen minutes of fame” when a man forced his way into their home because he was being chased by the local police. During the incident, the man shot and injured a deputy just outside my parents’ home, and several bullets came through their walls during the efforts to take him into custody. Luckily my parents were not hurt. My mother had just returned from the hospital following a heart attack and was in bed. I was surprised she didn’t have another heart attack during that encounter!

When she called to report the incident the next day, I asked my mother whether they would be able to sleep that night after all that had happened, and her answer was typical for her. “Well, I guess we will. We went on to sleep last night after all those police cars left.” (About 15 cars I think!)  That experience would have traumatized most of us for days, weeks, maybe months or years. For them, it was just another bump in the road.

My parents’ generation is often referred to as the “Greatest Generation.” They lived through the Great Depression and World War II, and they were strong people. Most of them have passed on now and we have only the memories of their lives. Recently I have done research on the era that produced that great generation for my next novel and have learned much about how they changed our way of life, especially the lives of women. I will be sharing some of the things I have learned in the next few blog posts.


Merrill J. Davies, Writer, Facebook Page:
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