January 2018 is an exciting time for me! First of all, My new novel, Becoming Jestina, is almost ready for release by Nurturing Faith, Inc. As you can probably tell, the subject of my new novel is a "Rosie" during World War II. Here's a little of what Dr. Sherrill Martin said about the book:
"Through the
experiences of Jessie, an outspoken, feisty, and teenaged “Rosie,” Davies
successfully recreates the war-torn world of the 1940s. The book is filled with
important and little-known historical information about advancements in the
military in World War II, B-17 bombers and other instruments of destruction, as
well as social and cultural events that occurred during this period that
affected the future of the United States."
That's exciting enough, but I have also rebuilt my website this week. I hope you'll take a look at it https://merrilldavies.com and subscribe to get emails occasionally. I won't be in contact much, but I will let you know when the book comes out, and if I have a book signing close to you, I'll let you know.
I am also including a picture of me with my friend Jane, who was the inspiration for the new book. We were preparing to record a session with Nelle Reagan's "Talk of the Town" show. It aired on New Year's Day on WRGA in Rome.