For at least the last fifteen years, most of my
friends recognize my car (no matter what I’m driving) because of the only
bumper sticker on it—“Metaphors Be With You.”
Several years ago when Poetry Alive sold the bumper
sticker at our annual National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
Convention, I fell in love with it—not because I’m a Star Wars fan, but because
I loved the play on words and because I love metaphors. I bought the bumper
sticker and put it on my car. When I traded cars, I ordered another one. I kept
it up until Poetry Alive said they were discontinuing the stickers. At that
time, I bought several. They’ve become a part of who I am.
When I began toying around with ideas for my blog, I
realized that the saying tied in well with the way I write. I write about
things in life that inspire me. Every day events and happenings become
metaphors for larger ideas. I write in several different genres—novels, short
stories, nonfiction articles, and sometimes poetry—but the metaphors are always
with me.
So today I’m launching my new blog—Writing Inspired by Life’s Metaphors. I
will be writing about why and how I have written some of the stories
I have published. I hope that as you
read this blog you might be inspired to write your own story—you know you have